CESD Section 504 Compliance System & Forms Powered by Frontline Education
A little history of the CESD Forms
In response to requests from CESD Conference participants, we created the first version of the CESD Section 504 Forms in 1999. We sought to build and maintain a set of operational guidelines that implemented the regulations, and a set of forms to assist schools in implementing the guidelines. At the time, few schools had a firm grasp of the Section 504 process. By creating the guidelines and forms as a system, we sought to ensure consistency in language and action and, to the extent possible, have the forms guide Section 504 Committees through their tasks to ensure that proper procedures were followed to satisfy the Office for Civil Rights (OCR).
Since 1999, we updated the forms prior to each year’s Section 504 Conference to address changes in the law as well as current guidance from OCR and the courts. With more eligible students since the ADAAA was passed in 2008, schools have been slow to respond with additional resources to help address the rising compliance burden. The result of this dynamic is more students eligible but the same number of personnel assigned to oversee compliance. We think that future compliance efforts will require more technology--hence the partnership with Frontline Education and the creation of Frontline's Section 504 Program Management Software.

The Future of the CESD Forms....
Beginning in December of 2019, CESD stopped providing updates to the paper forms. The final version created for our 2019 Conference will be the last updated paper version of the forms. That final version will remain subject to the copyright restrictions provided on the forms, but will not be updated from year-to-year.
Schools wanting access to the latest version of the CESD 504 forms and procedures will find them only through Frontline Education. For more information, visit Frontline Education.