Jose L. Martín, Attorney at Law

Mr. Martín is a partner with the school law firm of Richards Lindsay & Martín, L.L.P. in Austin, Texas. His practice focuses exclusively on disabilities issues and litigation affecting the schools, including special education consulting and litigation under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and the Americans with Disabilities Act. He represents dozens of public school districts in Texas, and has developed a close understanding of the day-to-day challenges faced by schools in achieving compliance with state and federal disabilities laws. He is a graduate of the University of Texas in Journalism, and the University of Texas School of Law.
A background in writing and journalism has led Jose to frequent publication on various areas concerning the legal issues surrounding public schools and their disabled populations. For three years, he served as Chief Editor and Writer for the RLM Texas Disability Law Advisor, a monthly publication on disability law issues affecting Texas public schools. He currently serves as Contributing Editor to The Special Educator, an LRP Publication on special education law that has the largest circulation of any periodical of its kind in the U.S. As an avid believer in preventive legal practices, he gives numerous presentations in the above-mentioned areas, including national and regional conferences on IDEA and §504, and at hundreds of local in-services and workshops in the area of disabilities law. Jose’s speaking engagement evaluations are consistently and unanimously positive, citing his working knowledge, experience, accessibility, and humor.
In addition to hosting and presenting at the two CESD Conferences in Austin, Texas each fall for over twenty years, the following are a few examples of the hundreds of presentation days provided by Mr. Martin:
LRP Publications National Institute on Legal Issues in Educating Students with Disabilities—May 2019 in Orlando, Florida (Everything You Wanted to Know About FERPA and Weren’t Afraid to Ask, Varying Application of LRE in Unusual Situations: Virtual Programs, Private Placement Reimbursement, Deaf Ed Students, Requests for MRE).
Alice Independent School District—January 11, 2019 in Alice, Texas (Dyslexia Issues in Relation to IDEA Child-Find).
Texas Council of Administrators of Special Education (TCASE) Great Ideas Mid-Winter Conference—February 19, 2019 in Austin, Texas (Modern Challenges in Texas Child-Find: Dyslexia, IDEA, §504, RtI).
2018 Tri-State Special Education Law Conference—November 8-9, 2018 in Omaha, Nebraska (Special Education Legal Issues in Virtual and On-Line Education Programs, Avoiding Predetermination Claims in the IEP Development Process).
2018 Superintendent’s Conference on Special Education Law—October 10, 2018 in Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin (Legal Update on Special Education Cases and Trends: Impact of Endrew, Dual-Credit College Programs, Bullying, Service Dogs, School Choice Voucher Issues).
Wyoming DOE WAVE Conference—August 1, 2018 in Laramie, Wyoming (Special Education Legal Issues in Preschool Programs, Legal Issues in Functional Behavioral Assessments and Behavior Intervention Plans).
LRP Publications National Institute on Legal Issues in Educating Students with Disabilities—April 23-25, 2019 in Dallas, Texas (Writing Effective IEP Meeting Notes or Minutes, The Changing Mood Toward RtI Programs Vis-à-vis IDEA Child-find).
Hawaii Department of Education Annual §504 Mini-Conferences—November 27-December 13, 2017 at various sites in several Hawaiian Islands (Modern Issues in §504 Compliance: 504 vs. IDEA, Eligibility, Health Plans, Disability Harassment).
TAESE Northern Plains Special Education Law Conference—October 3-4, 2017 in Billings, Montana (Legal Panel, Legal Issues in Prior Written Notice Safeguard).
Pacific Northwest Conference on Special Education Legal Issues—September 25-27, 2017 in Seattle, Washington (Legal Issues in Restraint, Seclusion, and Aversives; Legal Issues in Alternative Special Education Placements: Private School Vouchers and On-Line Programs).
Clayton County Public Schools §504 Staff Development Session—June 5, 2017 in Jonesboro, Georgia (overview of various legal issues of current interest in Section 504 compliance in public schools).
TAESE Northern Plains Special Education Law Conference—October 4, 2016 in Bismarck, North Dakota (Legal Issues Involving Special Education Students in Foster Care or Juvenile Justice Facilities, After the 10 Days Are Up: Legal Issues in Short-Term Disciplinary Removals Under the IDEA).
ARMEA Special Education Law Conference—August 9, 2016 in Little Rock, Arkansas (Legal Issues Related to Educating Students with Emotional Disturbance Under the IDEA).
Utah Special Education Law Conference—August 3, 2016 in Ogden, Utah (FERPA Issues and Implications for Special Education Staff, Legal Issues in Standards-Based IEPs).
LRP School Attorneys Conference on Special Education Law—January 15, 2016 in Austin, Texas (Assisting School Clients in Avoiding Predetermination Claims).
2015 Tri-State Special Education Law Conference—November 6-6, 2015 in Omaha, Nebraska (IDEA Discipline: A Simplified Method to Understanding Removal Rules).
Oklahoma Directors of Education Special Education Fall Conference—October 29-30, 2015 in Midwest City, Oklahoma (topics included dyslexia programs, RtI and IDEA child-find issues, legal update on IDEA current issues).
TAESE Northern Plains Special Education Law Conference—September 21-23, 2015 in Rapid City, South Dakota (Legal Panel, Related Services Under the IDEA, Bullying and Disability Harassment).