Terms & Conditions
We're sorry this page is so blunt, but we needed to make sure that the rules are clear. In addition to our Privacy Policy, your participation in CESD events is subject to the following:
CESD Conferences and Pre-Conferences:
Payment. To process your registration, we need a valid purchase order, credit card payment (online) or a check. A completed Registration Form (either via paper form or online form) is required of all attendees.
Cancellation Policy: In-Person Registration.
With the availability of a Virtual Conference, attendees registered for an In-Person Conference at the Kalahari who are unable to attend on the Conference dates will be moved to the Virtual Conference covering the same subject matter (Example: In-Person 504 Attendees will be moved to Virtual 504). No refund, cancellation of a purchase order, or transfer to another conference will be made. If an In-Person Conference cannot be held, all registered attendees at the event will automatically be moved to the Virtual Conference of the same subject matter.
Cancellation Policy: Virtual Registration.
Since participation is not limited to the two days of the scheduled conference, the typical life and work events that interfere with attendance will not prevent viewing the sessions over the three-week window. As a result, no refund, cancellation of a purchase order, or transfer to the next conference will be made.
Substitution: To substitute another person for a registrant at any event, please contact CESD prior to the event at 512-219-5043 with the name, email address, and cell phone number of the person who will be substituting for you.
No group use of Virtual Conference streams.
The Virtual Conference events are priced and made available for the private use of one attendee per registration. To make this type of streaming event sustainable we need your help. If you value the material we provide, help us maintain the integrity of the event and limit access to our bandwidth to those who paid for it. Sharing of login information, recording sessions or watching with a group consisting of individuals who are not registered for the event is strictly prohibited and violates the rights of the presenters to control their intellectual property. CESD reserves the right to deny Conference access to an attendee for unauthorized use. In such a case, no refund will be provided.
Individuals with disabilities with special communication or other needs should advise CESD of those needs as soon as possible. CESD will seek to provide reasonable accommodations when requested. For Virtual Conference Participants, CESD provides closed captioning on all pre-recorded Dyslexia Conference and Section 504 Conference sessions.
CESD Conference sessions including the Q&A are not legal advice.
The sessions provides information about the law. Even though a lawyer (or two) may be presenting and discussing law, agency guidance and current issues, the presentation, powerpoint and audience-presenter interaction (via chat, video, audio or other means) does not create an attorney-client relationship with any Conference participant. For legal questions about a particular set of facts, talk to your school attorney.
Changes to Events.
The most current listing of sessions and speakers for each event is available on the website. CESD reserves the right to make changes to speakers, sessions and the schedule for events or sessions at any time.
Content from the CESD Video Library
Payment is made by credit card only. No purchase orders, checks, or cash payments are permitted. Don’t even get us started about Bitcoin.
No cancellations or refunds will be made.
If you have technical trouble, give us a call at 512-219-5043 .
Access to content by Registrant only
The videos are available for private noncommercial use by the purchaser and may not by copied, in whole or in part, nor shared or viewed with others. Each video is subject to copyright, © 2020 Richards Lindsay & Martin, LLP. All rights reserved.
The videos are not legal advice.
The videos provides information about the law. Even though a lawyer (or two) may be presenting and discussing law, agency guidance and current issues, neither the videos nor the powerpoint presentation create an attorney-client relationship with any participant. For legal questions about a particular set of facts, talk to your school attorney.
CESD Webinars
Registration is made by credit card only. No purchase orders, checks, or cash payments are permitted. Don’t even get us started about Bitcoin.
No cancellations or refunds.
If you are unable to join us on the day of the livestreaming webinar, you will have the opportunity to view the recording at a later time. An email with details on how to view the webinar if you missed it will be sent following the live event. No registrations will be refunded.
No substitutions.
To protect the integrity of the registration process, and due to the availability of a recording following the live event, no substitution of attendees is permitted.
No group use.
CESD Webinars are priced and made available for the private use of one attendee per registration. To make this type of streaming event sustainable we need your help. If you value the material we provide, help us maintain the integrity of the event and limit access to our bandwidth to those who paid for it. Sharing of login information, recording sessions or watching with a group consisting of individuals who are not registered for the event is strictly prohibited and violates the rights of the presenters to control their intellectual property. CESD reserves the right to deny Webinar access to an attendee for unauthorized use. In such a case, no refund will be provided.
CESD Webinars are not legal advice.
The webinar provides information about the law. Even though a lawyer (or two) may be presenting and discussing law, agency guidance and current issues, the presentation, powerpoint, and audience-presenter interaction (via chat, video, audio or other means) does not create an attorney-client relationship with any webinar participant. For legal questions about a particular set of facts, talk to your school attorney.
Questions about the Terms & Conditions? Email us at cesd@504idea.org